Bringing the world together, one teacher at a time.

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推荐十大正规网赌网站 provides qualified, certified, English-speaking teachers in high-need subject areas.

  • Students win by gaining cultural exposure while learning material.

  • Teachers win by sharing, showing, and learning new strategies.

  • Schools win by adding cultural diversity to classrooms.

International cultural diversity delivered to your classroom.


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  • Dr Debra Hudson, Principal, Polk County FL

    “The 推荐十大正规网赌网站 cultural exchange program has been extremely beneficial. The teachers are professional, coachable and eager to learn and assume new responsibilities.”

  • Duval County Public Schools HR

    “The 推荐十大正规网赌网站 team is phenomenal. They are responsive and genuinely support their teachers."

  • Sridhar Koneru, 推荐十大正规网赌网站 Teacher Greenville SC

    “It’s really a great experience for the students of both countries to make new friends as well as to share their experiences with each other. As a teacher, I am very proud of becoming a facilitator for young minds to explore.”

  • Ravi Surla, 推荐十大正规网赌网站 Teacher, Fairfield SC

    “First of all, my Indian students felt so excited to receive a letter/email from an American. Secondly, I learned that exploring different educational systems is an advantage to any teacher, since a teacher can bring out best strategies of what they learned from different sources.”

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